9 Days for Life is an annual novena for the protection of human life. Each day's intention is accompanied by a short reflection and suggested actions to help build a culture of life.
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Resources are available for promoting and sharing the novena in your parish, school, ministry, community, or social network.
Dear brothers and sisters of Sacred Heart,
I can’t thank you enough for your amazing generosity to the Diocesan Capital Campaign! I appreciate so much your willingness to join me in donating to this cause which greatly supports our diocese and our parish. As I announced at Mass on Nov 10, we had already surpassed our parish goal right after commitment weekend! No parish in the diocese reached goal as fast as us. The goal for Sacred Heart was $159,945. As of Jan 9th, we have $301,635 in pledges from 70 households. That puts us at $141,690 OVER our goal, or 189%. That is incredible! Remember, 30% of the money raised up to our goal comes directly back to our parish. Then 70% of donations beyond our goal comes directly back to us. So, at this point in the campaign, that means $147,167 is allocated to Sacred Heart over the next 4 years, if all the pledges are fulfilled.
You are awesome my friends! You are truly emulating the campaign motto by Living our Faith & Building our Future. I pray that God will bless you and your loved ones abundantly through your generosity this new year! If you have not made your pledge yet, I encourage you to please do so soon and join your fellow parishioners in the sacrifice. Thank you so much and God bless you! ~Fr. Darrick Leier
2024 Diocese of Fargo Eucharistic Congress Presentations
The Redeemed Eucharistic Congress held at the Jamestown Civic Center on Sept. 6-7 was absolutely amazing! Many members from all three parishes of our cluster (Carrington, Sykeston, Kensal) attended the event. Recordings of the presentations and Mass homilies are now available on the Diocese's YouTube channel.